Welcome to SCA

On August 30, 2023, CPSP and SCA issued a joint statement announcing the initiation of talks concerning a move to a potential affiliation between both organizations. The objective would be to foster collaboration aimed at advancing the field of Clinical Pastoral Training and the profession of Clinical Chaplaincy. We are excited about these ongoing discussions and look forward to sharing more information about this potential new partnership soon.

In the meantime, SCA is extending the following benefits to all CPSP members:

Dual Certification with SCA

SCA has established a simplified application process for current Clinical Chaplains, Pastoral Counselors, Pastoral Psychotherapists, Diplomates, and Pastoral Training Supervisors of CPSP.  As part of this process, SCA will grant the following certifications:

Clinical Chaplains / Pastoral Counselors of CPSP, with proof of current standing with CPSP, will receive SCA’s Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) status.

Pastoral Psychotherapists and Diplomates in Pastoral Psychotherapy of CPSP, with proof of current standing with CPSP, will receive SCA’s Pastoral Psychotherapy (PP) certification status.

Diplomates in Pastoral Supervision of CPSP, with proof of current standing with CPSP, will receive SCA’s CPE Supervisor Certificate through SCA’s Graduate Academy of CPE Supervision, which has reciprocity with the Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training (ICPT). ICPT is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training. ACCET is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

Pastoral Supervisors in Training of CPSP, with proof of current standing with CPSP, will receive reciprocity status as a CPE SIT (Supervisor in Training) through SCA’s Graduate Academy of CPE Supervision.


In order to maintain certification with SCA, you will need 24 hours of continuing education every year, an active SCA membership, as well as a reaffirmation of accountability for ethical conduct.

SCA Membership

SCA’s membership has grown exponentially since its inception.  Our robust national presence has garnered the attention of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), as well as the office of the Surgeon General. SCA’s reach within health care institutions, colleges and universities, and faith communities has also increased considerably. This, in turn, allows SCA to provide great value to its members. We do this through our various membership divisions.

In 2024, SCA will be launching the Division of Pastoral Psychotherapy. The goal of this division will be to expand on the strong foundation that has been created in the fields of Pastoral Training, Pastoral Psychotherapy and the synergies between pastoral care and medical science.

We welcome anyone who would like to assist in the creation and development of this new and exciting division of SCA.

Discounted Fees

SCA’s Certification Application Fee is $180; however, we are discounting this fee for CPSP members by 50%. SCA Membership Annual Fee is $95; however, we are waiving this fee for the first year (membership renews at $95/annually starting in the second year). Pastoral Supervision Fee is $75; however, we are waiving this fee for CPSP members. No additional costs involved.

Total Cost for Non-CPSP Members: $350
Total Cost for CPSP members: $90

Please Note: This is a special arrangement that has been made only for CPSP members in order to advance our collaboration. We kindly request your assistance in helping us not publicize this information, as it is not available to the general public. This offer is for new applications only and is not retroactive to previously submitted applications.  

Caring for the Human Spirit® Conference

SCA’s Annual Conference, Caring for the Human Spirit®, is an inspirational and transformative three-day conference designed to provide chaplains, clinicians, nurses, counselors, administrators and other spiritual care providers with the skills, best practices, and research to enhance their practice and ministry. Our conference will be celebrating its 11th year in 2024.

SCA’s 2024 conference will be virtual and will take place April 15 – 17, 2024.  There will be over 45 sessions and all participants will receive the recordings of all sessions after the conference concludes. Participants receive 16 CEUs and up to 13.5 CNEs.

As a courtesy to CPSP members, we are extending a 20% discount off the posted rates. If you are interested, we recommend first becoming an SCA member (using the link above), and then registering for the conference, as the SCA member pricing is considerably lower.

To register for the conference, click here and use code CPSP20 during checkout.


If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Eric J. Hall at ejhall@spiritualcareassociation.org.

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