Military Chaplaincy
Did you know that George Washington himself insisted that chaplains be part of the military since the birth of our country?
“A Chaplain for the Regiment ought to be provided; that we may at least have the show, if we are said to want the substance of Godliness!”
(SOURCE: George Washington to John Robinson, 11/9/1756)
“It is a hardship upon the Regiment I think, to be denied a Chaplain.”
(SOURCE: George Washington to Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia, 4/29/1757)
The Military Chaplain Division of SCA is led by:
Chaplain (COL), USA (Ret.) Jim Staggers
Director of SCA Military Chaplain Division
Assisted by:
Chaplain Tony Duck, Chaplaincy Operations Director, International Military Fellowship
Chaplain Hamish Seegers, Lead Chaplain, Barnes-Jewish/Christian Healthcare
If you have questions or comments, please contact:
Rick Capezza, DTh, DWS, CPES, BCC
Dean of SCA Military Education
The Military Chaplain Division of SCA is led by:
Chaplain (COL), USA (Ret.) Jim Staggers
Director of Military Chaplain Division
If you have questions or comments, please contact the SCA Dean of Military Education:
Rick Capezza, DTh, DWS, CPES, BCC