The Hospice and Palliative Care Division of the Spiritual Care Association focuses on the spiritual dimension of professional practice including professional chaplains whose specialization is in this setting, as well as community leaders serving as chaplains or spiritual care generalists, and all members of a hospice and palliative care team.
It supports the advancement of the spiritual care component of hospice and palliative care services as an essential aspect of high-quality whole person care for all including the professional providing the care.
Our mission is to support best-practice hospice spiritual care and self-care through education, mentoring, and resources for hospice and palliative care professionals and organizations.
- All hospice organizations will have access to high quality, practical spiritual care information and practitioners.
- Professional chaplains specializing in spiritual care as a component of whole-person care within hospice and palliative care will be recognized for their expertise.
- Community leaders serving as chaplains or spiritual care generalists as part of a hospice team will be provided training leading to a certificate recognizing their knowledge and skill.
- Hospice organizations will work in partnership with SCA to improve health outcomes and support the health of professional care providers.
Why Join?
If you are a
- Professional board certified (BCC, APBCC, APBCC-HPC) or credentialed chaplain (CC) or a chaplain candidate who wants a specialization certification in hospice and palliative care;
- A community leader providing spiritual care within a hospice organization who wants a certificate demonstrating your knowledge and skill;
- A member of a hospice or palliative care team interested in incorporating spiritual care into your practice;
The Hospice and Palliative Care Division of the Spiritual Care Association is perfect for you.
Learn about the specialty practice of hospice spiritual care, palliative care, spiritual care or both through resources, courses, and presentations from national and international experts. As you develop knowledge of spiritual care and strengthen your understanding of other faiths and cultures, you will also start to discover your inner self as you strengthen your personal spirituality. As a member of the Hospice Division of SCA, you will discover opportunities to find collegiality with chaplain colleagues and other hospice and palliative care professionals as your team integrates effective spiritual care into their services. Be a force in moving high-quality hospice and palliative care services forward and support the future of practice that improves outcomes by including steps to honor beliefs and aspects of faith that influence the care of persons and the work of the hospice interdisciplinary team.
For specific information on spiritual care in palliative care click here.
Benefits of Membership Include:
- Belong to a supportive professional community that welcomes both novice and seasoned hospice chaplains, novice and seasoned palliative care chaplains, and other team members.
- Access to current best-practice standards of spiritual care for those of all faiths and no faith preference. Be notified of new research publications related to spiritual care and the specialty practice of hospice care and palliative care.
- Discounted price for online professional educational courses.
- Three free Spiritual Care Grand Round Webinars annually.
- Substantially discounted registration for the annual Caring for the Human Spirit® Conference.
- Free electronic subscription to the Journal of HealthCare Chaplaincy.
- Spiritual Care Tip of the Day regularly emailed to you.
- Membership directory and networking opportunities.
- Access to archived webinars and articles related to chaplaincy.
- Opportunities to present at the national level and/or publish an article or be featured in our hospice spotlight column.
- Expand your professional value by adding a chaplain or spiritual care certification to your portfolio.
How to Join?
To become a member, click the “Join now” button below. Membership includes all the member benefits listed above. During the registration process, select the “Professional – Hospice Membership” to be added to the Hospice and Palliative Care Division of SCA.
Charles James Parker, MDiv, EdD, APBCC-HPC
Director of Hospice and Palliative Care Division
T: (757) 751-0273
Earn Your Hospice Chaplaincy Certificate
Earn your Hospice Chaplaincy Certificate by completing the Foundations of Hospice Chaplaincy course. This online, self-guided course is designed for those interested in the specialized work as a chaplain within a hospice team. Its purpose is to empower learners with the basic skills and knowledge needed in order to provide care to persons and families who are admitted to hospice as well as to contribute effectively as a member of the hospice interdisciplinary team. Click here to learn more.
Looking to be a Hospice and Palliative Care Board Certified Chaplain?
Hospice and Palliative Care Specialty Certification (APBCC-HPC)
SCA offers a Hospice and Palliative Care specialty certification for Advanced Practice Chaplains called APBCC-HPC. The APBCC-HPC specialty certification recognizes the unique skills, advanced education and the specialized expertise of hospice and palliative care chaplains. To learn more about the APBCC-HPC, click here.
Spiritual Care in Palliative Care Courses
Delivering quality spiritual care to palliative care patients requires both the chaplain as the specialist and involvement by the other members of the interdisciplinary team as spiritual care generalists.
The thousands of health care professionals (chaplains, nurses, social workers, physicians, and others) who have completed these courses say that as a result they have significantly enhanced their knowledge and skills to deliver spiritual care in palliative care settings.
Each course is self-guided. Students who successfully complete the course receive a certificate of completion.